This is slow, but steady gentle maintenance program that requires a whole month.
Also has 3 levels of intensity to choose from.
Also has 3 levels of intensity to choose from.

Keep the momentum going with this maintenance program! One bottle a day keeps the doctor away!
- 30 Bottles/1 month
- 1 Bottles/Meal
- 1 Bottles/Day
Drink Vibrant juice every morning to keep your body healthy. Better than any supplements out there.
THB 6,500
Details on membership

A slow, but steady, easy on the body, mini cleanse that you can do everyday. Gradually eliminate toxins from your body.
- 60 Bottles/1 month
- 2 Bottles/Meal
- 2 Bottles/Day
Drink juice replacing breakfast as eat nothing until noon (a mini Fast everyday) to detox and eliminate harmful toxins in your system.
THB 13,000
Details on membership

A long-term program of half-day fasts in order to overhaul you body, rejuvenate your body, and lose weight.
- 120 Bottles/1 month
- 2 Bottles/Meal
- 4 Bottles/Day
Replace breakfast and Lunch with juices and enjoy light dinner – ideally raw vegetable & fruits to maximize the process. Also try food combining. Choosing a carb dinner with Veggies or protein dinner with veggies. Don’t mix carbohydrates with protein in the same meal.
THB 25,500
Details on membership